Environmental Protection
The world has been facing several environmental challenges for a long time. A list of burning problems we will face from day to day with all our souls. Caring for the environment is the basis for human existence, as well as one of the key factors for a healthy development society Environmental protection should provide a set of different measures aimed at preventing environmental threats and preserving natural balances.
Caring for the environment should be a permanent obligation of every member of society to preserve the planet for future generations and provide them with health conditions for the development of communities and society as a whole.

The environment can be defined as a set of all-natural values whose complex mutual relations constitute the environment, ie living conditions. The environment provides space and living conditions. The environment is a combination of the world of nature that surrounds us and exists for billions of years and the environment that man himself built using science and technology to adapt the environment more to himself.
Ecology - the science of the environment
Ecology, as a science of environment protection, should bridge the gap between the environment and man's need to adapt the environment to himself. This relatively young science studies the interrelationships between organisms and how they depend on external factors, primarily climatic conditions, soil conditions where they are located, ways of eating, and numerous other phenomena and relationships. The entire space of the earth's surface inhabited by living beings is called the biosphere and it encompasses three main areas of life:
• Lithosphere - land area
• Hydrosphere - the area of the water cover
• Atmosphere/bottom atmosphere layer

Environmental protection - Challenges
Many environmental challenges are facing the world. Climate change and global warming have been major problems for decades, the consequences of which we have been aware of. Back in 1938, Guy Calendar, a British engineer presented his work "Artificial production of carbon dioxide and its impact on the climate" in which he tried to point out the harmful effects of the human factor on climate change. Precisely, the increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to an increase in temperature, and from the second half of the 19th century until today, an increase in temperature of approximately 1 ° C has been recorded.
This temperature rise has strong implications for:
• Glacier melting
• Rising ocean and sea levels
• Changes in precipitation patterns
• Increased frequency of extreme weather events
• Ocean acidification
Environmental pollution is a problem that humanity is facing on a global level. Despite the individual and collective efforts of many countries to introduce pollutants into the environment remains a major unresolved issue with implications for environmental quality and human health. Images of an island made of garbage floating in the oceans have become commonplace and indicate the need to solve this problem. There are several things we as individuals can do to reduce water pollution:
1) Reduce the use of plastic packaging - plastic is one of the biggest polluters of watercourses and especially demanding because it decomposes
2) Let's recycle! While up to 60% of the total waste in Serbia is recycled in the European Union, that percentage is far lower (only about 7%).
3) Special care when using and disposing of detergents. One of the big gamblers is detergents that can do great damage to the aquatic ecosystem.
4) Let's pay attention to the disposal of used oil. Used oil should not be stored in the sink!
Lately, we have been witnessing the extremely poor air quality that we breathe. The main air pollutants are mainly the result of human behavior. Pollutants can be of various forms, solid, liquid, and gaseous. In essence, the sources of pollution are mostly the same everywhere, but still, their share is determined by many factors. It is the state that plays a key role in the air quality of a country because the state holds all the levers and mechanisms to solve this problem. The extent to which pollutant emissions will be possible depends directly on how restrictive the state measures will be and to what extent they are implemented. The burning problem of air pollution that we face is:
• Pollution due to the burning of fossil and other fuels in individual furnaces
• Pollution caused by fuel combustion during the production of electricity and heat
• Pollution as a consequence of industrial activities and construction
• Pollution due to the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture
• Combustion of fuel in traffic

What can we do as individuals?
Environmental protection is a challenge that we face as individuals, and not only at the state level. For starters, more awareness is needed! If we want to change, we need to start from ourselves.
To what extent do we use renewable resources? Are we recycling enough?
Is it always necessary to start a car to the store or can we help ourselves and the environment in which we live with a short walk?
Click for Serbia supports the work of organizations and foundations dealing with ecology and environmental protection. Find out more about them at the following link https://clickforserbia.org/sr/ecology/