Almagi foundation
The Almagi foundation was founded by Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade, Serbia and its primary mission is to support the education of young and talented people in Serbia through scholarships and various other ways of financial assistance.
The 1% Foundation
The 1% Foundation aims to support young talented people from Serbia to fulfill their talents, ideas, and potentials. We support young scientists, researchers, and innovators by financially supporting their participation in international competitions. The principle that the 1% Foundation is guided by is based on the belief that each of us can contribute in a small way by supporting young people, thus creating positive change and improving the world we live in. If at least 1% of people support us and donate 1% of their time, knowledge, or money, together we can create significant changes for young people in Serbia.
Eurobank EFG Veliko srce
Eurobank and the „Ana and Vlade Divac“ foundation have launched a humanitarian credit card MasterCard „Veliko Srce“ in February 2010 under the patronage of the Ministry of Education. Thanks to this foundation, 50 playgrounds in kindergarten, elementary schools and health institutions have been renewed.
The Tempus Foundation supports higher education, enforces the educational programs of the EU, such as Erasmus Mundus, Program for lifelong learning, Jean Monnet, and Erasmus+, as well as different collaboration projects meant for every level of education. Foundation offers support for young people in Serbia through development, conception, and implementation of projects. Important projects are student exchange programs for master’s and doctor’s degree studies, with scholarships at selected leagues in Europe.
The Metal Foundation was established in 2006, which work, and projects are focused on creativity improvements in field of science, culture, art, sports and all other areas of social development.

Fondacija Gimnazije „Veljko Petrović“

Fondacija Gimnazije „Veljko Petrović“ Sombor osnovana je nevladina, neprofitna, dobrovoljna organizacija sa ciljem pribavljanje stipendija za mlade. Ciljevi fondacije između ostalog su organizovanje seminara, obrazovnih kampova, radionica, tribina i panel diskusija; javnih skupova posvećenih nauci, kulturi i obrazovanju; internet foruma; humanitarnih i volonterskih akcija; izdavanje stručnih publikacija; nabavka knjiga i pomagala za nastavu; organizovanje izložbi i saradnja sa drugim fondacijama.