World Water Day 2021
Each year, on the 22nd of March we celebrate World Water Day. Based on the 1992 UN resolution, World Water Day was established as a need to point out the problems with the most important natural resource - water. The following year, 1993, the first World Water Day was marked, and since then its significance has been growing more and more from year to year.
Water - the most important natural resource
It is well known that water is certainly the most important natural resource on planet Earth. Water was of inestimable importance in the evolution of the living world and today represents the "Conditio sine qua non" (Latin condition without which one cannot live) on Earth. The first life on Earth was practically created from water.
Water is a major natural temperature regulator on planet Earth, covering 2/3 of the total surface of the Earth. At the same time, water is the habitat of the largest ecosystems and a source of food for a large part of humanity. Also, water is a necessary condition for performing activities such as growing crops, and it has found its application in addition to food production in transport, water supply, industry, and many other applications. Today, in the conditions of the pandemic crisis, the role, and importance of water are even greater.

Interesting facts about water
For regular activities, a person needs at least 50 liters of water a day. Man needs water for washing, cooking, sanitation, and of course for drinking. The resolution that a man needs a minimum of 50 L of water was established in 1990.
A truly startling figure suggests that about 50% of running water has been permanently destroyed. Wastewater remains a major problem. Serbia and many other countries are not investing enough in the conservation of water resources and the construction of wastewater treatment plants. According to the research, Serbia treats only about 16% of wastewater.
When we talk about water quality, they have the highest quality water in Finland, Great Britain, Canada, and New Zealand. Serbia ranks 47th out of a total of 180 ranked countries in terms of water resources.

World Water Day
World Water Day has been established as a need to raise awareness of the existence of 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water.
The focus of World Water Day is on supporting the achievement of the "Sixth Goal of Sustainable Development": Water and sanitation for all until 2030. Water sources are suffering an increasing load, as the world's population is growing. The picture of water is further aggravated by the growing demands for water in industry and agriculture, as well as the negative impact of climate change.

This year's theme of World Water Day talks about the importance, its true value, and how we can better protect this vital resource. The importance of water is much greater than its price - water is of great importance for our households, culture, health, education, economy, and ecosystems that surround us.
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