Spinach - More than a vegetable
Do you know where spinach comes from and what it is that makes it indispensable and one of the most nutritious foods that is very common on the Serbian table. We bring you the story of spinach.
Spinach came to the European table in the 11th century, when the Maori brought it to Spain. It is believed that this plant originates from Persia, and that it arrived in China in the 7th century after it was sent there as a gift by the King of Nepal. Spinach grows well in mild temperate climates zones, and although it is available throughout the year, the best taste and quality is the one that ripens in March and May, September and October. It is used as a side dish and it is usually used for making pies and salads. Scientists from the Swedish institute "Karolinska" recently found that daily consumption of this vegetable significantly strengthens muscles. So they gave the right to the cartoon hero Popeye, who claims that his strength comes from this food.

Spinach (lat. Spinacia oleracea) is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is rich in phytonutrients, especially beta-carotene and lutein, which make it a vegetable with a lot of antioxidants that protect the cells of the body. It belongs to the same family of plants as beets, chard, beets.
Nutritional proportions of spinach
Water is the main ingredient in spinach. The amount of lipids and carbohydrates in spinach is small, but that is why spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest protein content. Many minerals can be found in spinach: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. Of the vitamins, spinach contains vitamin A. C, E, K, B complex vitamins (B6, B2, B1) and folic acid (vitamin B9). Spinach also contains Omega 3 fatty acids.
Given all the benefits of this vegetable, we bring you a few suggestions on how you can use it.

3 eggs
1 cup corn flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup milk
1 cup oil
1 baking powder
100 g of cheese
100 g of spinach
1 bunch of spring onions (3-4 waists)
1 leek (about 120 gr)
1 potato (about 200 gr)
500 g of spinach
2 cubes for vegetable soup
salt, pepper
150 g sour cream
oil or butter
1 apple, 200g spinach, 200g broccoli, 1 squeezed lemon.
Preparation: Whisk the ingredients in a blender, you can sweeten with honey as desired. Drink once a day.
Bon appetit.