Čvarci - traditional Serbian delicacy

The winter is coming, and we are getting close to the season of the famous Serbian snacks – čvarci. At first, čvarci were considered as the food for the poor, but very fast they’ve become a famous Serbian delicacy.

Čvarci are a perfect fit for beer or wine, and they are an unparalleled delicacy on winter days. Their origin is unknown. However, it is well known that čvarci are part of Serbian cuisine tradition through centuries.

Čvarci - process of making

Čvarci (cracklings) got the name from the process of making. Videlicet, their name is derived from the verb spoiling/melting – in Serbian „čvariti“, since they’re being made by bacon heating and melting. Grease was one of the main groceries for food preparations in past. It is no wonder that ingenious food innovator in the past discovered čvarci most probably by accident. While the grease is being boiled, one of the by-products is a matter that is actually an essence of the cracklings. Personally, I only know they are very delicious, how they are being made... Well, let us ask professionals:

Most of them agree that the most important thing is to cut the bacon into appropriate pieces, which must not be too big or too small. If the pieces are too big, all the fat will not be able to melt and when the fat is ready to be removed, more fat will remain in it. On the other hand, if the greaves are too small, you will reduce the quality of the fat. When cracklings are being cut, one should also pay attention to the temperature of the room where they are being cut, the lower the temperature, the better, and that is why we recommend that you get fingerless gloves and do it outside. If it’s cold outside use a glass of Rakija to warm yourself….and I am not kidding, that is the actual custom. After placing the bacon into the large vessel it is of the most important to stir. During the boiling sessions, you should add milk when the grease starts to foam. Thus, you prevent burnings, and the cracklings receive their typical texture and color.

Rakija, Serbian tradition, Serbian food

Čvarci Serbian caviar

You know when someone says Italy, your first thought is pizza, or you think about the French as famous for their wine, or cognac, while when talking about Irish you think about a good whiskey? Well, someone could say that čvarci are Serbian caviar, and that would be not far from the truth, especially when we are talking about „duvan čvarci “. First duvan čvarci are made in West Serbia, in Valjevo, over two centuries ago. This delicious dish has a golden-yellow color similar to tobacco color, and the texture as well. That is how they got their name – duvan čvarci (duvan = tobacco in Serbian).

Cvarci, duvan cvarci, click for Serbia, tradition

Nowadays, duvan-čvarci found their way to the shells across the world. They become an appetizer specialty in menus in menu famous restaurants. Here in Serbia, we celebrate the supremacy of their taste on the specialized festival/event - http://festivalduvancvaraka.rs/.


Health issues

In past, someone would say that grease (the essence of čvarci) causes health issues. The researchers in the last few years proved wrong theories that grease is especially bad for оur health. However, as with every food, don’t overdo it, despite their delicious taste.

