International Youth Day
Yesterday, the International Youth Day was marked around the world. Through a series of different manifestations, this day is marked with the aim of pointing out the problems that young people face, the ways in which they should act on the problem and how to direct the generations on which the world remains in the right way.
This important date aims to point out the importance of the role of young people in society, as well as to encourage young people to organize activities in order to draw public attention to their position and thus strengthen youth policy. Also, this is a unique opportunity for all who have an interest to unite and ensure that young people are involved in decision-making at all levels.
What problems do young people in Serbia face?
There are more than 115 thousand unemployed young people in Serbia (aged 15 to 30), according to data from the National Employment Service from April 2021.
They make up one-fifth of the total number of unemployed in Serbia, and lack of work is one of their biggest problems, according to the report.

In addition to this significant problem, young people also face the problem of acceptance by the environment in which they live and move, expressing their own opinions and fear of rejection and diversity on any grounds.
According to the KOMS research, the processed data of youth opinions based on the processed sample are as follows:
- Number of young people planning to move out of the country: 50% of young people would move out of Serbia (25% of respondents have plans, 25% would move away but have not yet started planning), while 39% of young people do not plan but do not write off the possibility of leaving .
- In response to the question why they would move out: 31.7% of young people say because of a more dignified life, and 24% because of a higher standard of living.
- Support for Serbia's accession to the EU: 39% of young people support, 33% are not in favor of entry, while 28% of young people do not know.
- Attitude towards the return of compulsory military service: 46% of young people support this initiative, while 43% oppose it.
- Attitude of young people on the adoption of the draft law on same-sex unions: a total of 38% of respondents voted for the adoption of the draft law, with women more supporting the law adoption, while 36% are against the adoption of the law
- Exposure to physical and verbal violence: 37% of young people said they had been exposed to physical violence; and 73% said they had been exposed to verbal violence. In addition, 66% of young people say they have been exposed to some form of discrimination.
- More than half (52%) believe that they were very badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; 62% of young people think that the measures were sometimes too strict, sometimes too mild; only 16.8% of young people think that the answer was good (average value of the answer to this question on a scale from 1 - Extremely bad to 5 - Extremely good is 2.48)
Some of the answers were given by young people in Serbia.

As an association that supports young people in the field of sports, culture, education, Clik for Serbia together with numerous partner organizations works on solving youth problems and through education, scholarships encourage the development of this very important group of people in these areas.
Let’s support generations that grow and mature by providing them with quality guidance and education and a better future.