
Istaknuti partneri

Remarkable Mathematical Grammar School and the Almagi Foundation

Mathematical Grammar School and the Almagi Foundation Mathematical Grammar School, located in Belgrade Serbia, is a specialized school for students gifted in mathematics, physics and computer science. It was founded in 1966, by professor Vojin Dajović. Mathematical Grammar School was similar in concept to Kolmogorov School at Moscow University which had been launched in Moscow…

Institut za fiziku Beograd

Institut za fiziku u Beogradu, kao institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, vrhunska je naučnoistraživačka ustanova za fiziku i srodne naučne oblasti. Institut obavlja istraživanja fundamentalnih mehanizama prirode koja su od prioritetnog značaja za naučni, obrazovni, kulturni i ukupni društveno-ekonomski razvoj Republike Srbije.

School for Musical Talents from Ćuprija

The civilization preserved in the stone – blog series There are unbelievable stories about the extraordinary civilizations that inhabited the right bank of the Danube.

Fondacija gimnazije Veljko Petrovic

Veljko Petrović Foundation Veljko Petrović Gymnasium Foundation The Foundation of the Gymnasium “Veljko Petrović” Sombor was founded as a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary organization to obtain scholarships for young people. The goals of the foundation are, among other things, the organization of seminars, educational camps, workshops, forums, and panel discussions; public gatherings dedicated to science, culture,…

Muzika kao univerzalni jezik koji briše prepreke i gradi mostove

Fondacija „Deca deci“ i Dečja filharmonija neprofitna su organizacija osnovana 2007. godine, u saradnji sa Beogradskom filharmonijom, pod pokroviteljstvom Skupštine grada Beograda. Fondacija okuplja stručnjake iz različitih oblasti, ljubitelje klasične muzike i ima za cilj promociju edukacije dece u oblasti klasične muzike

Ne prljaj! Nemaš izgovor!

NE PRLJAJ! NEMAŠ IZGOVOR! Ne prljaj. Nemaš izgovora! Jedan je od osnovnih dugoročnih projekata i sveobuhvatnih javnih kampanja koje je SBB fondacija razvila i sprovela u pet godina. Cilj…

Nišville Jazz Festival

Nišville Jazz Festival The International Nisville Jazz Festival is the most visited jazz festival in Southeast Europe, since its establishment in 1995. From the begining, Nisville Jazz Festival consistently defend the European values of multiculturalism and patiently tend the sophisticated musical taste of individuals. Confirmation of this, among other things, was publication in the European…

Bokserski klub Radnički

Bokserski klub Radnički Beograd Radnički je spoj tradicije i pobeda. To je najstariji bokserski klub u Srbiji sa tradicijom dugom više od 100 godina. Osnovan je 1920. Nagrađen sa 9 titula timskog državnog prvaka, trideset i osam titula…

Music and Art Project

Muzički i umetnički projekat (MAP) Muzički umetnički projekat (MAP) je organizacija koja već šest godina radi na pružanju nove šanse i nade u ravnopravnost socijalno ugrožene dece i dece iz raseljenih područja kroz svoju „Muzika nade“ Program (Muzika Nade). Ovaj obrazovni i socijalno inkluzivni model se primenjuje ...

Sergej Polunin Fondacija

Zadužbina Sergeja Polunina Sergej Polunin je jedan od najistaknutijih baletskih igrača na svetu. Sergej Polunin rođen je 20. novembra 1989. godine u Hersonu (Ukrajinska SSR). Sa 13 godina preselio se u London gde je studirao u Britanskoj kraljevskoj baletskoj školi. U dobi od 19 godina, Sergej Polunin imenovan je kraljevskim ..

Istakli smo

izuzetne pojedince i značajne trenutke

u oblasti srpske kulture, obrazovanja i sporta.

Priča Meseca - Tri Barjaktara Srpske Nauke

Da li se sećate dudinja?

Svi se sećamo koliko je samo bilo neodoljivo brati slatke dudinje i jesti ih dok nam ne oboji ruke i zube, ali šta je danas sa ovim voćem i zašto ga tako retko srećemo po marketima i pijacama? Pomalo nepravedno zaboravljen, dud i dalje stoji kao vrlo zdrava poslastica, bogata antioksidansima, uključujući antocijanin, koji je odgovoran za tamnocrvenu ili ljubičastu boju voća i povrća.

Intervju sa Oljom Aleksić: Umetnost na najlepši mogući način spaja ljude

Nas koji dolazimo iz Srbije prepoznaju po integritetu, ponosu, jakom karakteru i veoma lepo nas prihvataju. Ja se maksimalno trudim da svoju zemlju predstavim u najboljem svetlu, gde god da odem, a mislim da umetnost na najlepši mogući način spaja ljude.

Prof. Milivoje Simić Beli: Skiing is the poetry of health, strength and joy

I dial an unfamiliar number from my contacts, and to my great surprise, a youthful and energetic voice answers. For a moment, I think I’ve called the wrong number and ask if I am speaking with Professor Simić, who is now eighty-nine years old. His response confirms it, and a wave of positive, vibrant energy begins to flow through the words of a man also known as the “Legend of Kopaonik.”

Zaboravljeno voće - Njeno veličanstvo mušmula

Forgotten Fruit – Her Majesty, the Medlar Have you recently seen medlars in markets or grocery stores? Have you ever tried them? Nowadays, we often come across avocados, lychees, and mangoes, but medlars have been completely forgotten! The medlar (Mespilus) belongs to the family Rosaceae (the rose family) and is closely related to the hawthorn.…

Institut za fiziku Beograd

Institut za fiziku u Beogradu, kao institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, vrhunska je naučnoistraživačka ustanova za fiziku i srodne naučne oblasti. Institut obavlja istraživanja fundamentalnih mehanizama prirode koja su od prioritetnog značaja za naučni, obrazovni, kulturni i ukupni društveno-ekonomski razvoj Republike Srbije.

From ice ages to the stars: Milanković’s Enduring Legacy

From ice ages to the stars: Milanković’s Enduring Legacy Milutin Milanković (1879-1958) was a Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, and engineer whose work significantly contributed to our understanding of climate change and planetary climatology. Born in Dalj, Austro-Hungary, he studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Vienna, where he earned his doctorate in 1904. He…

Mihajlo Pupin: Vizionar nauke i tehnologije

Mihajlo Pupin: A Trailblazer in Science and Society Mihajlo Pupin, a pioneer of telecommunications and a symbol of Serbian ingenuity, was a man of extraordinary achievements. Born in Idvor, Banat, in 1858, Pupin’s life epitomized the power of perseverance and education. His mother’s encouragement to embrace knowledge became the cornerstone of his success, driving him…

Nikola Tesla – A Visionary Genius

Nikola Tesla – A Visionary Genius Few individuals in history have left a legacy as profound as Nikola Tesla, whose groundbreaking contributions to science and technology continue to shape our everyday lives. Born in 1856 in Smiljan, Tesla grew up in a time of great change and innovation. From an early age, he exhibited an…

Belgrade in the whirlwind of the conflict between Christianity and Islam

Welcome to Click for Serbia’s exploration of the captivating history of Belgrade, a city steeped in centuries of cultural, political, and social evolution. As a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting significant Serbian projects, Click for Serbia is proud to present a series of articles that delve into the depths of Belgrade’s past, offering insights into its remarkable journey through time.

Discover the Charm of Belgrade’s Museum of Chocolate

Nestled in the vibrant streets of Belgrade, the Museum of Chocolate offers a delightful journey through the history and culture of chocolate. Visitors are welcomed with the rich aroma of cocoa, setting the stage for a sensory exploration of this beloved treat.

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