Lazar the Serb

Lazar the Serb, Lazar Hilandarac

Lazar the Serb In today’s episode of Russian-Serbian medallions, we bring you the story of a very interesting historical figure. The topic of today’s episode is Lazar Hilandarian, also known as Lazar the Serb or Lazar the Monk. Lazar was born in Prizren, and it is assumed that he fled to Moscow after the Kosovo…

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Srpsko - ruski medaljoni - epizoda 5: Karađorđe Petrovic

Karadjordje Petrovic

O Karađorđi Petroviću čitave knmjige su ispisiane i o njemu kao istorijskoj figuri možemo pirčati danima. Međutim, u novoj epizodi Srpsko-Ruskih medaljona, ispričaćemo ukratko najzanimljivije detalje iz života ovog velikog čoveka. Bio je vođa Prvog srpskog ustanka i imao je veoma bliske veze sa ruskim državnicima, generalima i naravno sa ruskim carom.

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