Jelena Karadjordjević Petrovna
U novoj epizodi Srpsko-ruskih medaljona donosimo Vam priču o jednoj velikoj ženi, pomalo zaboravljenoj princezi Jeleni Karađorđević, u Rusiji poznata kao kneginja Petrovna.
Прочитај вишеNikolaj Krasnov
Nikolai Krasnov In the new episode of Serb – Russian medallions, we bring you a story about another prominent figure, this time of Russian history. This a story about Nikolai Krasnov. Nikolai Krasnov was a famous Russian, courtly architect. Besides architecture, he was involved in arts of all kinds such as sculpturing, drawing, painting. He…
Прочитај вишеSveti Sava - zanimljivosti iz života i stvari koje možda niste znali
Danas je Sveti Sava školska slava. Dan kada se slavi život i delo prvog srpskog kosmopolite i velikog prosvetitelja! Verovatno nećemo pogrešiti kada kažemo da je Sveti Sava, verovatno najznačajnija
Прочитај вишеAleksandar Puškin
Alexander Pushkin We present you the seventh episode from the series “Serbian-Russian medallions” about Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799, in Moscow, and died in St. Petersburg on February 10, 1837. This is a story about an exceptional person, a great Russian writer who has a lot in common…
Прочитај вишеLazar the Serb
Lazar the Serb In today’s episode of Russian-Serbian medallions, we bring you the story of a very interesting historical figure. The topic of today’s episode is Lazar Hilandarian, also known as Lazar the Serb or Lazar the Monk. Lazar was born in Prizren, and it is assumed that he fled to Moscow after the Kosovo…
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