Prof. Milivoje Simić Beli: Skiing is the poetry of health, strength and joy

I dial an unfamiliar number from my contacts, and to my great surprise, a youthful and energetic voice answers. For a moment, I think I’ve called the wrong number and ask if I am speaking with Professor Simić, who is now eighty-nine years old. His response confirms it, and a wave of positive, vibrant energy begins to flow through the words of a man also known as the “Legend of Kopaonik.”

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AMAZING SUCCESS OF SERBIAN ATHLETES IN MUNICH Two days ago, the European Championship in Munich (link), an event that “gathers nine sports under one roof” ended. It made the biggest sporting event in Germany since the 1972 Olympics. The Serbian delegation consisted of fourteen sportsmen and women who competed in 12 disciplines, and while the…

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Evropska prvenstva 2022: konačna lista srpskih sportista

European Championship 2022: the final list of Serbian athletes This year in August (11.08. -21.08) the European Championship is held in Munich. The event is designed as a counterpart to the Olympic Games and is a set of European championships in different disciplines that are held within the same event, instead of separately. This year,…

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