Svetski dan kompjuterske pismenosti

World Computer Literacy Day

World Computer Literacy Day Each year on the 2nd of December, around the World, the World Computer Literacy Day has been celebrated. This day emerged from the constant need to raising the awareness and to drive digital literacy underserved communities worldwide. It is a day when we promote technological achievements, and skills. The special aim…

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Dositej Obradović

Dositej Obradovic

Dositej Obradovic – Part 1 Dositej Obradovic (1739 – 1811) was one of the most important Serbian writers, philosophers, and educators of the eighteenth century. Just before the end of his life, he became the first Minister of Education in Serbia, after the exceptional role he played during the First Serbian Uprising. He is the…

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Fondacija gimnazije Veljko Petrovic

Fondacija Veljko Petrovic

Veljko Petrović Foundation Veljko Petrović Gymnasium Foundation The Foundation of the Gymnasium “Veljko Petrović” Sombor was founded as a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary organization to obtain scholarships for young people. The goals of the foundation are, among other things, the organization of seminars, educational camps, workshops, forums, and panel discussions; public gatherings dedicated to science, culture,…

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Međunarodni Dan Pismenosti

International Literacy Day

Ideja da se ustanovi Međunarodni dan pismenost se pojavila septembra 1966. Na Svetskoj konferenciji ministara obrazovanja, održanoj u Teheranu. Tema konferencije bilo je rešavanje problema iskorenjivanja nepismenosti. Za dan pismonosti odabran je osmi septembar, a UNESCO je sa obeležavanjem Međunarodnog dana pismenosti otpočeo naredne, 1966. godine.

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