Kapetan Mišin breg

Kapetan Mišin breg

Kapetan Mišin breg Only a few kilometers above Donji Milanovac, in Eastern Serbia, there is a special village called Kapetan Mišin Breg. It is an ecological ethno complex placed in the very heart of the Djerdap Gorge. Situated on a 173m tall knoll above the Danube, it offers a magnificent view over the Gorge. How…

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Music Art Project – Music of hope Spring 2022

Music Art Project - Music of Hope

Music Art Project – Music of Hope Spring 2022 Our little friends from the Music Art Project on Sunday, April 17, 2022, with the start at 11 am on the premises of the municipality of Zemun, organized another great concert. Another spring in Zemun was colored with the music of hope. See what it all…

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April Fool’s Day

prvi april - april's fool day

April Fool’s Day Today, on April Fool’s Day, Click for Serbia invites you to laugh as much as possible; smile at yourself in the mirror, smile at your neighbors, people you know and those you don’t know, show love with a smile. In the tradition of Serbian language, we come across a well-known saying: “He…

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Stari zanati

Old Crafts in Serbia, stari zanati

U današnjem blogu donosimo vam nastavak priče o starim zanatima Srbije. Ukoliko ste propustili prvi deo ove zanimljive priče, pronađite ga ovde. ovde. Po poslednjim podacima koji datiraju iz 2017. godine, u Srbiji ima 617 sertifikovanih radionica starih zanata, koje su uglavnom, porodične.

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