Beograd sa vode

Belgrade from the rivers Perhaps the most beautiful part of any trip, and why we often return to many cities, is that a person can experience one city in many ways. We often visit cities on individual or organized walking tours because that is how we expose our senses to the greatest number of new…

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Godina u kojoj je srpski šah oživeo

Serbian Chess

The Rebirth of Serbian Chess In September this year, the Serbia Chess Federation (SCF) celebrated 73 years since its founding. Throughout its history, it has been home to many chess players of all ages, holders of various chess titles, who with their joint successes have contributed to the unquestionable development of chess culture both in…

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Svetski dan turizma

Danas se širom sveta obeležava Svetski dan turizma. Podelićemo vam neke zanimljive podatke o ovom danu, koja je svrha na globalnoj osnovi i koja zanimljiva mesta možete besplatno posetiti ova dva dana u Srbiji.

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