The Uvac River’s spectacular meanders

Uvac meanders

The Uvac River’s spectacular Meanders Uvac is an international transboundary river, rising under Golija mountain and Pešter plateau. It flows through southwestern Serbia forming a magnificent canyon. Uvac represents the morphological whole of Starovlaška highland. The region has a specific relief that meanders up to a hundred meters high are meandering. For a thousand years,…

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Međunarodni dan šuma

International Forest Day

International Forest Day This year marks the tenth anniversary of the United Nations International Forest Day – an event that has been celebrated every March 21st since 2012. Experts estimate that forests, or forestation, are one of the imperatives of collective efforts to slow down the negative trends of climate change. Furthermore, forests are recognized…

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Kako postati superheroj lepog ponašanja

How to become a superhero of super behavior As part of the educational projects, “Click for Serbia” has made a Bon Ton book and Bon Ton coloring book, which you can order by submitting a contact form on our website. After receiving an automatic confirmation of subscription, “Click for Serbia” will send you an electronic…

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Pobednici FIDE kvalifikacionog turnira

FIde Grand Prix

Klik za Srbiju pozdravlja napore Šahovskog saveza Srbije da vrati svetski šah u Srbiju. Organizacija ovako velikog događaja na ovako visokom nivou daje nam za pravo da se nadamo da će se i u narednim godinama veliki šahovski turniri događati u Srbiji. Klik za Srbiju će biti tu da ih isprati.

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Fide Grand Prix

FIde Grand Prix

Kao i u svakom sportu, i u šahu je najvažniji događaj turnir u kome se odlučuje svetski šampion. Za razliku od, recimo, fudbala, gde se svetski šampion odlučuje svake četiri godini, ljubitelji šaha imaju priliku da uživaju u svetskom prvenstvu svake dve godine.

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