Chinese Language Day

More than a billion people in the world speak the Chinese language as their mother tongue. This extremely complex language is well-known as one of the most demanding languages, but it is also deeply rooted in history and known for thousands of years.

Today, again, precisely because of its mass, it is an important language in the business world.
How did it come into being and why has it been maintained for thousands of years? The answers to these questions are given by UNESCO, declaring 2010, April 20, as the day of the Chinese language.

Chinese Language Day 2021

Chinese language - a brief history

The Chinese language has been known to civilization for several thousand years. The Chinese language originates from the Sino-Tibetan language family. Due to its complexity, the exact origin of the language remained unknown, i.e., when it separated from the mentioned family of languages. It is believed, however, that the origin of the Chinese language is credited to Cang Jie.

Official historical data say that the first Chinese signs appeared when the Yellow Emperor first began his rule. Over time, many dialects formed throughout the provinces of China. Great influence existed from the archaic Chinese language, which was spoken until the early and middle 11th to 7th centuries BC. In modern Chinese, the influence of archaic Chinese is not felt much.

During the reigns of the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties in the period from the 7th to the 10th century AD, it was easier to establish connections with modern Chinese languages. Different styles of writing can be distinguished thanks to historians during the mentioned epoch. Historians served at the royal court and kept notes of everything.

Chinese Day was established in 2010. Founded by the United Nations - UNESCO, Chinese Language Day when multilingualism and cultural diversity are celebrated. The establishment of the language day aims to educate people about the history of the Chinese language. Chinese was established as the official language of the United Nations in 1946. The General Assembly in 1973 included Chinese as one of the working languages.

Today, many members of the United Nations use Chinese, which is also becoming an increasingly important business language. Also, the goal is for people around the world to learn the benefits that learning Chinese can have.

How Chinese Language Day is celebrated

The best way to celebrate Chinese Language Day is to start learning Chinese! In the digital age, several quality online courses can be found online, providing an adequate basis for further learning.

If you know Chinese, put it in your CV or LinkedIn profile and follow the changes between your business contacts. Share this holiday with your friends, maybe it will encourage someone to learn Chinese!

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