Viminacium – A place where Roman Emperors were born


Viminacium – A place where Roman Emperors were born Once upon a time, there was a Roman empire! This is a story of the Roman city & legionary fort Viminacium and its history!🏛️ Viminacium is one of around a hundred cities that existed in the Roman Empire. So, what makes Viminacium so special? Is it…

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Viminacium – Ancient Roman city

Viminacium ancient roman city, discover Serbia, Serbian culture,, heritage, click for Serbia

Let us walk you through the ancient Roman city & its history! VIMINACIUM is a Roman city of emperors and a legionary camp from the 1st century AD. It was located in the Roman province, Upper Moesia (Moesia Superior), which included the largest part of today’s Serbia, northern Macedonia and part of northwestern Bulgaria. The…

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Чварци (шкварки) – традиционный сербский деликатес

Čvarci, Serbian traditional food, click for Serbia, discover Serbia

На носу зима, а это время, когда на столе появляется любимая сербская закуска – чварци. Поначалу чварци считались едой для бедных, однако вскоре превратились в известный сербский деликатес. Виноделие в Сербии – путешествие в историю* Отправляемся в путешествие по миру виноделия в Сербии. Сядьте поудобнее, налейте бокал своего любимого вина и присоединяйтесь к нашему вкусному путешествию!

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Raca Monastery

Raca Monastery

The next stop on our journey through Serbia is hidden behind the river Raca, tucked away in beautiful nature. This is a story of the Raca monastery!

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